For Trönninge Åkeri from Halmstad, it is extremely important to keep fuel consumption down as much as possible. It is not possible to charge more from the customers because the trucks uses more fuel. Every percentage of fuel that can be saved gives a direct effect on the financial result.
When Mattias Creutz, owner of the haulage company, heard about the automatic roof air deflector Ecosense Trailer Assist, it was interesting for him to try the system on one of his trucks, a Volvo Globetrotter XL. The result has been excellent – a fuel saving of up to 2 L / 100 km, which corresponds to just under 6%, compared to the original solution. It’s not that weird; the truck changes trailers every day and the height often varies greatly.
With an average mileage of 800-900 kilometers per day, the savings can be almost 20 liters a day. Seen over a whole year, there will be large sums. ”I would rather go to the Canary Islands for that money than to donate it to the oil companies,” says Mattias.
“Next time we buy a new truck there is nothing to discuss, the Ecosense system should be there! The system cost a little bit, but I save that cost within a year. There are not many things with a return of investment of just one year in this industry. After a year, the fuel savings that the system delivers will be pure profit. I do everything I can to save fuel, ”continues Mattias.
For both small and large hauliers, it is becoming increasingly important to save fuel, for the sake of the wallet and the environment. Trönninge Åkeri is another in the line of hauliers that have found the benefit with Ecosense Trailer Assist, the system that ensures that the roof spoiler is always set in an optimal position regardless of load or trailer.
For more information:
Milad Pouyanmehr, Rumblestrip, +46 76 760 74 03, milad@rumblestrip.tech
Mattias Creutz, Trönninge Åkeri, +46 70 976 16 52, tronningeakeri@gmail.com